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At the End of the Pier

Ashes to Ocean

Into the freedom of wind and sunshine

We let you go

         —Ruth Burgess


Nineteen suntanned disciples

of the dunes are milling around

the end of the Rodanthe pier,

long swells rolling under


our bare feet, shaking the pilings

as his brave mother hands out

sacred offerings of small cups,

ashes for her sad-eyed family


while I find voice enough

to speak … Into the freedom

of wind and sunshine …

but at we let you go


I lose courage, as if a rogue

wave has come leaping over the rails,

tossing me into the surf, flailing,

a bloody old fool gasping


for breath in front of wide-eyed

grandkids as I blubber on …

into the dance of the stars

and the planets, lashing myself


to my dearest dear on earth,

watching through rheumy eyes

as his five angels, gentle

northerly at their backs,


release our sweet boy to the wind’s

breath and the hands of the star maker,

ashes floating into the embrace

of the blameless ocean, each of us


shoulder to shoulder on this shaky pier

finding no small comfort standing here,

when there is so little comfort to be found

anywhere else in this world.


     —SL, Hatteras Island, NC, September 2024

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Michael Halminski
Michael Halminski
Sep 09

The pier has always been a special place, even more special now!

Sep 09
Replying to

Me, too. Thanks--as ever!


Sep 03
Rated 5 out of 5 stars.

Steve , Just overwhelmed by your words. Sending prayers .



margarita meyendorff
margarita meyendorff
Sep 03

No words...brought me to tears...


Sep 03
Rated 5 out of 5 stars.

I love you.

My heart is in my throat.



Sep 03

he is with you always

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